CPG will commence with the annual audits for 2023 starting in March. Last year the audits were carried out online due to FMD. However, this year audits will be carried out on-site. Please take note of the following:
- All CWB members are to be audited annually.
- Action taken to correct findings from previous audits must be shown. Send an email to tumisang@wagyu.org.za if you have not received your previous audit report.
- An audit can only be postponed once.
- To decrease the travel cost of the auditor, audits are scheduled on route. If an audit was postponed the member will be solely responsible for the travel cost of the auditor.
- The office will send out the scheduled audit dates via email.
- The CPG auditor will contact the member to confirm the time of the audit by latest a week before the audit is to take place.
Members who do not show up for their scheduled audit automatically fail the audit. A subsequent audit will be scheduled, and both the failed and subsequent audits will be billed to the member. To prevent a failed audit due to lack of attendance, contact the CWB office as soon as possible:
- Check when your audit is scheduled and set a reminder for yourself.
- Notify CWB immediately if your contact details or the contact person have changed.
- Notify CWB in writing if you are unable to attend the audit for any reason. The notice must be given at least 2 weeks before the audit is scheduled to take place. Note that the audit can only be moved once.
- Notify CWB if the auditor has not contacted you at least one week in advance telephonically or via email to confirm the date and time of the scheduled audit.
- Familiarize yourself with the criteria of CWB that apply to your business. The CWB audit booklet can be downloaded at https://wagyu.org.za/manuals-breedplan/
- If you are unsure about any of the requirements you can contact CWB directly or schedule a farm visit before the audit. To schedule a farm audit please send an email to tumisang@wagyu.org.za.
- Notify CWB immediately on the day of the audit if the auditor has not contacted you and failed to carry out the audit, to avoid being billed for a failed audit due to lack of attendance.
Compliance with the CWB protocol, as well as the successful completion of the audit, remains the responsibility of all CWB members. The office is available to assist with any enquiries. As well as making farm visits before the start of the audit. Contact Tumi in the office by email at tumisang@wagyu.org.za or by phone at +27514921852. The auditors (CPG) can also be contacted by email at elizra@ltlgroup.global or auditor16@ltlgroup.global and by phone at +27 10 010 0685 or +27 76 145 9149.